Thursday, September 20, 2012


Like the green screen or photo booth at your events? Want to be the first with the next level? Catch the Moment released their new technology guppyPOD!

guppyPOD™ combines classic photo booth elements with the power of smartphones to create a photo booth experience that truly embodies the best of yesterday and today.

So basically it works like this: Jack and Jill go to a party. Jack takes pictures of Jill on his smartphone. When he uploads them to his favorite social media site, he can include a specialty hash tag #partybusiness and his photo will print out on site at the event. But cleverly when it prints out guppyPOD adds the logo of the event and any custom border the host may want.

So now Jack and Jill go crazy taking awesome pics and uploading them so they can take them home and share. The cool thing - No one likes to throw away a picture of themselves so Jack and Jill will be placing, posting and sharing their pictures all with your Company Logo!

Worried that not everyone has a smart phone (there are a few out there, and they can be important people) There is a stationary set up you can include as well. Always great to get some crowd interaction!

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