It is Halloween time, are you thinking of hosting your own vampire ball? You need to make your event have your personal flair attached, so try your hand at some of these expertly crafted cocktails in this great bartender guide!
THE COMPLETE HOME BARTENDER’S GUIDE (Sterling Epicure, October 2012) by world-renowned bartender Salvatore Calabrese, will help you find your inner bartender! In the book, Calabrese shows how anyone can easily make delicious cocktails for themselves, friends, and family! Impress your friends with over 800 recipes!
Salvatore Calabrese is an international award-winning expert on cocktails. Calabrese runs Master Classes for people who want to know more about spirits, and is a popular guest at wine and spirits events. He can be found at Salvatore's in London, and at Mixology101 in Los Angeles, CA.
A big thanks Lauren M. Cirigliano who introduced us to this great guide and filled us in on what we were missing in our life's..the perfect cocktail!