Thursday, March 14, 2013


Wedding registrations can be a lot of fun, but couples are getting married later in life. The problem a lot of couples are facing is what to register for. People already have a blender, coffee machine, towels - you name it, they have it. So the question is what is left to register for and do you have to.

No, you do not have to register, but if you do not, people may bring you old-school items, that they consider "safe" which translates into toasters. The next option that is gaining in popularity is registering for a honeymoon or cash. Technically this is still considered bad etiquette.

So, what to do - Share the Love! Pick a non-profit organization that means something to you or your fiancé, and let guests know that you would rather share your love and encourage guests to donate to a charity if they feel the need to get you something.

The I Do Foundation is a great solution. it allows couples to register for various charities!

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