Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Weird World of Weddings

A lot of traditions go into a wedding, some we just accept and never question, but when we do…things can get weird!

The boutonnière- a flower worn on the lapel of a groom’s tuxedo – pretty yes, but it was originally placed there so the flower would be close to the nose in case the lovely bride smelled! (not a lot of emphasis on hygiene back in the days!)

Bridesmaids- committing to your friend to wear a random colored dress (that may cost an arm and a leg and never be seen again!) is actually a much easier deal. In older times, the bridesmaids dresses resembled the wedding dress so evil spirits would attack the bridesmaids instead of the bride!

The bride is on the left side of the groom so that his right arm is free to sword fight! Darn those dragons!

Stay tuned more to come…

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